Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla

You may or may not (more likely) know this, but today is Nikola Tesla's birthday. You probably don't even know who Nikola Tesla is, do you? Well, I'll fill you in:

Nikola Tesla was an inventor. He worked in electricity at the same time as Edison, which is why you've probably never heard of him. Edison ran a series of campaigns to prove that Tesla's inventions were dangerous. Due to these demonstrations Tesla died a failure, secluded in a private hotel room, alone except for his beloved pigeons.

Perhaps you recognize the name but can't seem to figure out why? Tesla appears as a character in many science fiction and fantasy stories as a madman or magician. Like in The Prestige, where (played by David Bowie) he builds a duplication machine for the use of Hugh Jackman's character. In fiction he remains a symbol of the dark side of science, of things we can't understand.

So as a celebration of a brilliant man lost to the pages of time, take a moment to do something crazy. Reach out to someone who seems like a recluse. Seize the day, and enjoy it.

love always,

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